The Public Services Commission in partnership with European Union of Papua New Guinea has launched its Case Management System. The European Union (EU) has stepped in as a development partner to provide technical and financial support to the Public Services Commission to develop its Case Management System(CMS) at a cost of over K1 million.
The Case Management System is an online digital system developed particularly for workflow processes within the Public Services Commission to eliminate the excessive usage of paper work to enhance work based performance and improve time management. The CMS also ensures that all officers within the organization involved in the resolution of a case or workflow can also easily access information and communicate with each other through a single interface.
The EU PNGPSC MOA was signed in 2020 and the CMS project was tendered by the EU and the successful bidder was scheduled to start work in March 2020. However, the effect of the Civid-19 pandemic, that forced the world into a total lock down, also further postponed the project to March of 2021.Through meaningful consultations by both the PSC and the EU, recently saw the launch of PSC’s first Case Management System.
‘’The Public Services Commission (PSC) in line with the ongoing Public Services Reform has made some important administrative decisions to make changes in the way it manages its core functions , that is, Review of Personnel Matters, Investigations and the Merit Based Appointment Process. One such decision was made some years back and that was to manage its core functions with the use of digital platforms to keep pace with the changing times in the 21st Century. The Commission was of the view that change in an organization leads to many positive aspects-that lead to retaining a competitive edge and also remaining relevant to keep pace with the changing times. Change encourages innovation, develops skills, develops staff and leads to better business opportunities, and improves staff morale. ’Says Mr Apeo Sione Chairman PSC.
‘’The need to make PSC services more efficient was due to years of backlogs of workloads, at times poor quality work output from officers and the times managements inability t properly manage all workflows in their respective divisions, These and others were number of issues affecting PSC that created an impetus for a greater use of available technology. And one of the best ways to address these issues was to adopt the Case Management System’’.
Chairman Sione further thanked the European Union for its technical and financial support and is committed to ensuring the system is implement to increase productivity and work efficiently in PSC.